We’re helping Ukraine together

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Over 20 years of orthopaedic and rehabilitation experience in Rehasport centres has brought us scientific cooperation and exchange of practical experiences with specialists from around the world. Now, thanks to these contacts, we can get to know and monitor the needs of our friends in Ukraine, remaining in constant contact with doctors from Kiev.

We would like to use our experience in the most important case today - helping people injured during the war.

What will our activities focus on?

  • using the network of medical contacts, we collect specialist equipment for Ukrainian hospitals, necessary to save health and life;
  • we launched an international fundraiser to finance targeted purchases of medical supplies that will be shipped as soon as possible to the centres where they are most needed;
  • together with Polish and international societies and foundations, we coordinate aid activities for those in need.

We also expect the arrival at our country of many people injured during the war, who will need specialized reconstructive, orthopaedic and rehabilitation treatment.

We want to respond to these needs and non-profit treat victims in our hospitals and in cooperation with other Polish and international medical centres.

We encourage you to support and help the victims of the war in Ukraine.

Account for payments:

Payments in PLN: PL03 2490 0005 0000 4600 4374 0776
Payments in EUR: PL19 2490 1057 0000 9902 5946 7694 (SWIFT: ALBPPLPW)
Payments in GBP: PL10 2490 1057 0000 9904 5946 7694 (Kod SWIFT: ALBPPLPW)
Payments in USD: PL72 2490 1057 0000 9901 5946 7694 (Kod SWIFT: ALBPPLPW)

PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=VEVU94HW8RCRJ 

Title: Aid for Ukraine

Rehasport Clinic Foundation
ul. Górecka 30

NIP: 7792403986

In matters related to the aid for Ukraine, you can contact us by writing at: ukraina@rehasport.pl or calling +48 662 534 907

“AID FOR UKRAINE” Regulations